I love the wireless capabilities of Python on the BBC microbit and I’ve been using it with some success in my Year 8 classes.
I thought I’d have a go at writing a wireless Pong game in Python – it took me a lot longer than I expected for various reasons. I really wanted to have the same code running on both microbits, but I soon abandoned that as too complex. Much easier to have one microbit – Player A – controlling the game and deciding who gets a point and when. Player B is the ‘slave’ only sending its left and right paddle moves back to Player A and mirroring (literally) Player A’s screen.
I was keen to have each screen the same – rather than extending a long screen like a wired version I’ve seen. This is because I want each player to be able to be quite far apart, so seeing the other player’s screen isn’t necessary.
How to play
Flash Player A code (below) on to one Microbit using Mu, and Player B on to a separate microbit. You can optionally connect a headphone or buzzer to pins 0 and 1 on each microbit for some audio feedback joy.
Power up Player B first – it will wait for messages from Player A. Then power up Player A. The game starts straight away with the ball – the bright dot in the middle of the screen – moving in a random direction. Move your paddle left and right using A and B buttons. If you fail to hit the ball when it reaches your end the other player gets a point (points tallies are not shown on the screen) and the first player to 5 points wins. To play again you both need to press the reset button on the back of the microbits.
How it works
Player B is the easy one to explain. It runs a loop constantly polling for messages and keypresses. If you press button A to move left, or B to move right, it sends a message with your bat’s new position. It also listens for different kinds of messages from player A’s microbit. They all start with different code letters:
p + a number is the position of player A’s bat.
x and y messages give the current location of the ball, which is then inverted using a dictionary look-up table called ‘bat_map
a and b messages give the respective scores or player A and B.
If a player reaches the winning score (5) it breaks out of the loop and plays a happy song (Nyan cat) if player B has won and a sad song (funeral march) is player A has won.
Player A is the master controller. It picks a random direction for the ball to start moving and bounces the ball if it hits any of the sides. If it hits the top or bottom and a player’s bat isn’t in the way, the other player gets a point. It has a crude timer using variables counter
and delay
– every time it reaches 1000 it moves the ball (I couldn’t work out how to get proper timers to work in Microbit Python – if indeed this is possible). If a player hits the ball with their bat it speeds up a bit.
It sends messages (as described above) to Player B with the ball position, score and player A bat position. The game ends in the same way as player B’s code described above, except you get the happy tune if player A wins and the sad one if player B wins.
How to mod
You can make the game faster by making the value of delay
smaller. You can also make it last longer by increasing the value of winning_score
in both sets of code.
A nice extension would be to add more sound (when you hit the ball for example) and to add levels with the game getting faster each time someone wins a game.
Let me know how you get on with it and if you have any other ideas for improvements – the physics of the ball bouncing is one area that I could do with help on!
Here’s the player A code:
# Pongo by @blogmywiki # player A code - with points import radio import random from microbit import * from music import play, POWER_UP, JUMP_DOWN, NYAN, FUNERAL a_bat = 2 # starting position of player A bat b_bat = 2 # starting position of player B bat bat_map = {0: 4, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 0} ball_x = 2 # starting position of ball ball_y = 2 directions = [1, -1] # pick a random direction for ball at start x_direction = random.choice(directions) y_direction = random.choice(directions) delay = 1000 # used as a crude timer counter = 0 # used as a crude timer a_points = 0 b_points = 0 winning_score = 5 game_over = False def move_ball(): global ball_x, ball_y, x_direction, y_direction, counter, a_bat, b_bat, a_points, b_points, delay display.set_pixel(ball_x, ball_y, 0) ball_x = ball_x + x_direction ball_y = ball_y + y_direction if ball_x < 0: # bounce if hit left wall ball_x = 0 x_direction = 1 if ball_x > 4: # bounce if hit right wall ball_x = 4 x_direction = -1 if ball_y == 0: if ball_x == b_bat: # bounce if player B hit ball ball_y = 0 y_direction = 1 delay -= 50 # speed up after bat hits else: play(POWER_UP, wait=False) # A gets point if B missed ball a_points += 1 ball_y = 0 y_direction = 1 radio.send('a'+str(a_points)) # transmit points if ball_y == 4: # bounce if player A hits ball if ball_x == a_bat: ball_y = 4 y_direction = -1 delay -= 50 # speed up after bat hits else: play(JUMP_DOWN, wait=False) # player B gets point if A misses b_points += 1 ball_y = 4 y_direction = -1 radio.send('b'+str(b_points)) counter = 0 radio.send('x'+str(ball_x)) # transmit ball position radio.send('y'+str(ball_y)) radio.on() # like the roadrunner while not game_over: counter += 1 display.set_pixel(a_bat, 4, 6) # draw bats display.set_pixel(b_bat, 0, 6) display.set_pixel(ball_x, ball_y, 9) # draw ball if button_a.was_pressed(): display.set_pixel(a_bat, 4, 0) a_bat = a_bat - 1 if a_bat < 0: a_bat = 0 radio.send('p'+str(a_bat)) if button_b.was_pressed(): display.set_pixel(a_bat, 4, 0) a_bat = a_bat + 1 if a_bat > 4: a_bat = 4 radio.send('p'+str(a_bat)) incoming = radio.receive() if incoming: display.set_pixel(b_bat, 0, 0) b_bat = bat_map[int(incoming)] if counter == delay: move_ball() if a_points == winning_score or b_points == winning_score: game_over = True if a_points > b_points: play(NYAN, wait=False) display.scroll('A wins!') else: play(FUNERAL, wait=False) display.scroll('B wins!') display.scroll('Press reset to play again')
Here’s the Player B code:
# Pongo by @blogmywiki # player B code import radio from microbit import * from music import play, POWER_UP, JUMP_DOWN, NYAN, FUNERAL a_bat = 2 # starting position of player A bat b_bat = 2 # starting position of player B bat bat_map = {0: 4, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 0} ball_x = 2 # starting position of ball ball_y = 2 a_points = 0 b_points = 0 winning_score = 5 game_over = False radio.on() # like the roadrunner def parse_message(): global a_bat, incoming, bat_map, ball_x, ball_y, a_points, b_points msg_type = incoming[:1] # find out what kind of message we have received msg = incoming[1:] # strip initial letter from message if msg_type == 'p': display.set_pixel(a_bat, 0, 0) their_bat = int(msg) # mirror their bat position a_bat = bat_map[their_bat] if msg_type == 'x': display.set_pixel(ball_x, ball_y, 0) ball_x = bat_map[int(msg)] if msg_type == 'y': display.set_pixel(ball_x, ball_y, 0) ball_y = bat_map[int(msg)] if msg_type == 'a': a_points = int(msg) play(JUMP_DOWN, wait=False) if msg_type == 'b': b_points = int(msg) play(POWER_UP, wait=False) while not game_over: display.set_pixel(b_bat, 4, 6) display.set_pixel(a_bat, 0, 6) display.set_pixel(ball_x, ball_y, 9) # draw ball if button_a.was_pressed(): display.set_pixel(b_bat, 4, 0) b_bat = b_bat - 1 if b_bat < 0: b_bat = 0 radio.send(str(b_bat)) if button_b.was_pressed(): display.set_pixel(b_bat, 4, 0) b_bat = b_bat + 1 if b_bat > 4: b_bat = 4 radio.send(str(b_bat)) incoming = radio.receive() if incoming: parse_message() if a_points == winning_score or b_points == winning_score: game_over = True if a_points < b_points: play(NYAN, wait=False) display.scroll('B wins!') else: play(FUNERAL, wait=False) display.scroll('A wins!')